Are You Ready To Get the Healthy, High-Quality Sleep Your Body Needs?

Are you sick and tired of always being tired? A good night’s sleep is so important for every aspect of your health, and you might not even be aware that you’re not getting one. All you know is that dragging feeling that comes once your morning cups of coffee wear off, and you make your mid-day trudge to the break room for more caffeine.

But what if we told you that you don’t have to go through the day feeling like a zombie? After all, you already have enough to deal with – getting the kids to soccer practice and ballet, making sure everyone eats their dinner, and endlessly trying to make the house look like less of a disaster zone – so you shouldn’t have to battle chronic fatigue on top of all that.

And while a lot of people attribute their lack of sleep and energy to always being busy, the truth is that there may actually be a different explanation – and it’s one you can and should take action on! That explanation is sleep apnea, and here at Exceptional Dentistry in Palmdale, California, we have the tools and experience to help overcome the chronic fatigue that comes with it.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea arises when your airway becomes obstructed while you sleep (sound dangerous? That’s because it is!) Sleep apnea causes you to wake up continuously throughout the night (most of the time without you even knowing it) and also causes you to snore (sound familiar?). This means if you’re married, both you and your partner won’t be getting much-needed sleep.

How is Sleep Apnea fixed?

While sleep apnea may seem like a pretty big deal – and it can be depending on the severity – the good news is that there’s a pretty simple fix readily available, and it doesn’t involve a machine, mask or tubes. Our simple solution can help you get back to that optimal sleep you need to rock at your job, parenting, and everything else you have going on in your busy life!

The solution most often recommended by Dr. Ramy is a Fixed Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance (FAGGA) or The DNA Appliance. They are both really simple mouthpieces that gently move your lower jaw forward while you sleep. This opens your airway and instantly helps you get the sleep (and air) you need.

The FAGGA is a non-removable appliance that is attached to your back teeth to gently put pressure on the nasopalatine nerve that runs through your palate. This pressure stimulates growth in your upper jaw, allowing your lower jaw to move forward. When this growth takes place, it can open up your airway, enlarge your airway and move your face forward.

The DNA appliance is an innovative oral appliance that can treat several problems at once, including bad sleep apnea. It helps those who suffer from sleep apnea as the DNA Appliance helps widen the upper arch, carefully opening up your airway and preventing obstruction. Because the appliance changes the growth and position of your jaw, it can permanently correct the causes of sleep apnea!

Does getting a good night’s sleep seem more possible than ever? Good, because it is! Dr. Ramy and our team have successfully helped many patients get optimal sleep with the help of advancing technology and oral appliances. Gone are the days you had to wear a C-PAP machine to breathe and sleep well.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re interested in getting the quality sleep your mind and body craves, we welcome you to call us today at 661.349.7725 to schedule a consultation. We can’t wait to help you sleep, feel, and live better!

Your Trusted Palmdale Dentist

Your journey to optimal oral health.