Like most folks, life is busy enough juggling work, family, and everything else the world demands of us. While it’s perfectly normal to want a beautiful, straight smile, a lot of people feel like they …
Chronic headaches that never seem to lighten up or disappear are certainly an added distraction making your work, family life, and enjoying some leisurely alone time so much harder to achieve. The problem is that …
Do you remember the last time you felt really great about your appearance and yourself? When you took a second to look in the mirror and thought, wow, I look amazing! If you can’t remember …
According to The American Dental Association, everyone should be flossing at least once a day and brushing twice, yet people often neglect this part of their daily oral hygiene routine. If you are one of …
With fall just around the corner, sports activities are ramping up again making you or your kids vulnerable to oral injury. But sport season means havoc for your dental health in more than one way. …
We’re going to let you in on a little secret: you can have a beautiful smile just like you’ve always wanted. If you’re self-conscious about your smile, you don’t like the size or shape of …
If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have a better looking facial profile then you might’ve come across a unique type of braces called Epigenetic orthodontics. Also known as full face orthodontics, …
Before you know it, Christmas will be knocking on your door and the holiday gift giving will be in full swing! Have you lined up your gifts already for this year? Or are you like …
Have you been looking in the mirror and thinking that there’s something off about your facial profile? If you’ve been looking at it long enough you’ve probably resolved to deciding that your chin is too …