You Need to Know This Before You Get a Chin Implant

Have you been looking in the mirror and thinking that there’s something off about your facial profile? If you’ve been looking at it long enough you’ve probably resolved to deciding that your chin is too weak, or small.

And maybe you even feel a little self-conscious about your chin & facial profile. So, you decide to look into treatment. But what do you find? You’ll need to have jaw surgery or get a chin implant.

WRONG! There’s actually a much better alternative to surgery. (Oh yea! You read that right!) So if you’d like to have a better facial profile, a nicely defined chin & jawline, all without getting any kind of surgery then this is the post for you!

Repositioning the Jaw Without a Chin Implant Surgery

If you’re like most people, you don’t realize that your chin looks tiny because of your bite. Your actual chin is most likely a normal size, it’s just receded.

Your facial profile is directly connected to your bite and your jaw position. When your bite is off, your brain unconsciously tries to correct the imbalance by pulling your jaw back. Why? Because that’s where your teeth are able to come together.

And we instinctively know that we want & need our back teeth to come together.

The thing is, that’s the incorrect position. So most of the time you will also be experiencing many TMD symptoms as well.

The best part is: correcting these issues is very possible without surgery! Seem too good to be true?

Well, we’re about to blow your mind! Our dentist and team at Exceptional Dentistry have advanced training in the treatments that make all of this possible. These services, when used in tandem, can have pretty miraculous results.

Physiologic Dentistry

Unlike most branches of dentistry, physiologic dentistry focuses not just on the teeth, bones and joints of the oral cavity, but on the entire nervous system.

In other words, physiologic dentistry focuses on how the jaw and teeth interact with the entire body. When preparing to reposition the jaw, Dr. Ramy can run computerized scans to see the position of your jaw muscles, joints and teeth and see how to bring them into harmony.


If needed (aka you have some sort of pain), a fixed or removable orthotic can be made just for you and your smile. The orthotic will fit over the bottom teeth and build them up so that we can find the best position for your bite. When your bite is corrected and your jaw muscles and joints will feel much better since they are in the optimum position.

Guided Growth Appliance

Once that position is found, it’s typically necessary to make sure that there is enough space in your mouth, so that your teeth can go to the correct position, your tongue can go to the correct position, and you’re able to close your lips and breathe through your nose.

The issue is: you may not have developed properly when you were younger. A growth appliance stimulates the DNA that is already there and helps your mid-face to get the growth and development (yes, even as an adult).

Epigenetic Braces

After the comfortable position for your muscles and joints are found, you have enough space for everything, it’s then time to move the teeth into the position that supports all of that. Epigenetic braces are used to straighten your teeth while maintaining the optimum bite position. When your bite is corrected, the jaw and chin will naturally move to their correct positions.

Benefits of Treatment

Jaw repositioning is quicker and safer than jaw surgery and has great aesthetic results. You’ll be amazed at the additional benefits this treatment can bring to your life.

Corrects Weak Chin & Bad Facial Profile

Most people don’t realize how much the position of the jaw can affect the appearance of the face. When your jaw is not in the correct position you’re likely to experience: a weak chin, a soft jawline, jowls, and a gobble-gobble (aka neck sag). However, jaw repositioning can correct these facial profile issues without jaw surgery.

Corrects Bad Bite

As we previously mentioned, these treatments can correct a bad bite. Those with a bad bite tend to have more wrinkles in the face, and tend to look like they are aging more quickly. A bad bite & poor mid-face development can also cause facial collapse. Luckily, these issues can be effectively corrected with jaw repositioning.

Improves Quality of Sleep

Overbites and a lack of tongue space can result in trouble sleeping soundly, especially with older patients. Many people believe that trouble sleeping is a natural part of the aging process. However, we have the ability to reverse this part of the aging process and improve facial support.

Lessens or Eliminates Headaches, Jaw Pain & Neck Pain

If the lower teeth and the upper teeth don’t fit together comfortably, jaw pain, neck pain and headaches can be the result. Many of our patients that have frequent headaches don’t realize that they are caused by jaw alignment. It follows that repositioning the jaw can correct these issues.

To learn more about physiological dentistry in Palmdale, CA, and to request a reservation with our highly trained & expert dentist, contact our office at (661) 349-7725 today.

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