When choosing a new dentist, some patients don’t give it a lot of thought. After all, licensed, practicing dentists graduate from dental school with four years under their belt, so they’re pretty much the same, …
Stay Healthy and Happy
If you’re wondering why missing a tooth (or teeth) is such a big deal then read on because a missing tooth sets off a series of negative events. We’ve touched on the concept of progression in one …
When it comes to your health, do you know what one of the biggest keys to good overall health is? It’s sleep! You’re probably surprised that a dental office is talking about getting a quality night’s …
We’ve been creating great smiles with dentures in Palmdale, CA for over three decades. So we get that there’s a common misconception about wearing dentures: there’s nothing to take care of since there’s no teeth. But …
Have you been looking in the mirror and thinking that there’s something off about your facial profile? If you’ve been looking at it long enough you’ve probably resolved to deciding that your chin is too …
If thinking about grabbing your morning cup of coffee or an icy green drink makes you think, “Ummm, I’m going to pass,” then you’re probably experiencing that sharp twinge of pain which comes from anything …
It’s February and you know what that means—Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! You’re looking forward to a romantic evening with your special someone. Unfortunately, you’ve noticed (or your partner has noticed for you) …
Imagine these scenarios. You’ve planned a romantic evening with your partner. Dinner at a nice restaurant or a candlelight dinner for two in the comfort of your home, perhaps. Things are going great…until you start …
The holiday season has arrived! This time of year may bring you excitement and joy, stress, or a strange combination of these emotions. Everyone has that one relative—I’m talking to you, second cousin Tim—you know, …
Have you used your teeth today? You might not pay attention to how important your teeth actually are. Your teeth do so many things for you—they allow you to eat with ease, enhance your overall …