Brushing and flossing daily with the right tools is on of the best ways to keep your teeth clean and cavity-free, but did you know that you can add a little extra protection by watching …
If you’re one of those folks who grind their teeth compulsively or clench their jaw repetitively, you likely suffer from a condition called bruxism. Bruxism affects about 10% of the population and can occur while …
Cavities are no fun! They can be big, small, sensitive, painful or even, in the early-stages, unnoticeable by the untrained person. But all cavities (big and small) are caused by bacteria. Bacteria causes all sorts …
“I brush and floss, but I still have bad breath.” We hear this a lot, and while you may not be happy about it, you’re not alone. In fact, bad breath, or halitosis, is estimated …
If you’re over forty and you’ve ever had a cavity, then chances are you’ve had a silver filling. But here’s the thing, those fillings are silver in color but contain mercury in the material. In …
If you’re wondering why missing a tooth (or teeth) is such a big deal then read on because a missing tooth sets off a series of negative events. We’ve touched on the concept of progression in one …
We bet you’re the sort of person who cares about having a nice looking smile and actually puts in the extra effort to keep up with your oral hygiene. Despite your best efforts, somehow a blasted …
It’s the beginning of the holidays, and every kid’s favorite time of year—Halloween. Break out the plethora of costumes! Us parents love seeing the kiddos in their Halloween costumes, whether it be princesses or monsters. …
Have you used your teeth today? You might not pay attention to how important your teeth actually are. Your teeth do so many things for you—they allow you to eat with ease, enhance your overall …
It’s that time again. Time for you to visit the dentist for your 6-month exam and dental cleaning. But time and money are both tight right now. You’re juggling things like work, time with family, …