How to Prevent, & Even Reverse, Tooth Decay

We bet you’re the sort of person who cares about having a nice looking smile and actually puts in the extra effort to keep up with your oral hygiene. Despite your best efforts, somehow a blasted cavity still formed!

We know, we know. There’s always the seemingly same series of questions that race through everyone’s mind: “What did I do wrong?”, “Could I have prevented this?”, or “I brush my teeth! How is this possible?”

Luckily, Dr. Ramy is eager to teach you all about cavities, how to help prevent them, and even how to reverse them in their early stages!

Cavities 101

The bacteria in your mouth (including the bacteria in plaque) feeds on sugars and starches and converts them to acids that can then dissolve the tooth enamel. The enamel is the strong, protective layer of the teeth. Think of it as a shield to the inner parts of the tooth.

The process of that shield being etched away at is called demineralization.

Damage to the enamel means that icky bacteria can get in and decay can form inside the tooth. This tooth decay, which is also known as a cavity, needs to be treated ASAP.

Why? Because cavities can get bigger and go deeper, which usually means things like tooth pain and the need for a root canal.

Cavity Detection

Visiting your dentist is the surest way to detect a cavity. If caught when it’s small, then a simple filling can be placed to ensure no more bad bacteria gets in after all the decay has been cleaned out.

At Exceptional Dentistry, we use up-to-date technology so that we can find tooth decay even earlier.

Here’s the cool part: when you catch demineralization early enough, you can reverse it! (Aka, you don’t actually end up with a cavity!)

Regular dental visits to a dental office with the latest technology are how you succeed at early cavity detection.

Digital Imaging

While not all dental offices have advanced technology, when you visit our office, we’ll use digital imaging to take a picture of the inside of the tooth. This diagnostic tool allows us to see areas of the mouth that are not visible with the naked eye, like between the teeth.


We also utilize the SOPROLIFE intraoral camera. This camera uses special light technology, which allows Dr. Ramy to locate, diagnose and treat dental issues early on.

Each tooth has its picture taken, and what’s even better is we put your teeth up on the big screen so you can see exactly what we see! An orange or red light is a sign of decay, but green means good to go and cavity free!

Reverse Tooth Decay

At this point, we’re sure you’re eager to hear about the preventing and reversing of tooth decay. Because you want your smile to stay not only bright, but healthy, right?

The first thing you need to know is that your ability to prevent or reverse tooth decay largely depends on the environment in your mouth and how much decay is already present.

To give your teeth their best shot at reversing minimal decay and preventing future decay, follow this advice:

  • Avoid foods and beverages that cause the demineralization of the tooth enamel. These foods include candy, soda, other sugary foods & drinks, and bread.
  • Eat more foods that help the tooth enamel remineralize. Some examples of these foods are: eggs, milk, cheese and spinach.
  • Try using a prescription toothpaste. Ask Dr. Ramy if this is a good choice for your smile.
  • Make absolutely sure that you always brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Your tooth brushing sessions should last at least two minutes. Practicing good oral hygiene helps remove plaque quickly enough to prevent it from causing damage.
  • Visit our office often for professional dental cleanings and exams. Only a dentist or hygienist can safely remove tartar, hardened plaque, from your smile.

To enjoy the benefits of having a skilled dental team catch cavities early-on, schedule your next visit, at our technologically advanced dental office in Palmdale, CA, today.

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Your journey to optimal oral health.